This practice sees a wide range of people on a typically busy day.

PRACTICE NAME Ballyjamesduff Family Practice, Granard Road, Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan

ESTABLISHED: 40 years ago. Dr Goonewardena joined in 2016, and Dr Emer Byrne in 2018.

PATIENT PROFILEĀ  Medical cards : Over 2500 GMS and over 1000 Private. Catchment area: Ballyjamesduff area : Population of about 3000.

STAFF PROFILEĀ  2 GPs, 2 nurses, 4 administrative staff.

DIARY of a typical day for Dr Goonewardena at the practice


900-0915 Discussing blood pressure monitor results with a patient – advising on the importance of lifestyle changes and optimising medication.
915-0930 Young mother for a pregnancy check up and antenatal vaccines.
0930-0945 Giving advice on long acting contraception and discussing discussing options.
0945-1000 Mechanical injury at work – advise on pain killers, rest and excursuses to help recovery. Discussing time off work.
1000-1015 Teenager with asthma – advise on inhaler use, treatment of asthma and education on preventing exacerbations.
1015-1040 Young lady with an ear infection – realisation that underlying issue is health anxiety. Long consultation about family, anxiety and stress.
1040-1050 Blood pressure – optimising medication and lifestyle advise.
1050-1105 Driving medical : Testing medical suitability to continue to drive.
1105-1120 Chest infection – treatment along with smoking cessation and weight advise.Chest X-ray request.
1120-1135 Medical Report – for illness benefit and discussion about returning to work after illness.
1135-1145 Sick child with ear infection.
11:45-12:00 Lady with recent dizziness- management of vertigo and discussion with family regarding supports.
12:00-13:00 Ringing patients for advise on test results, queries.

Repeat prescriptions.

13:00:13:45 Lunch and practice clinical meeting.
13:45 to 14:00 Medical Report froms
14:00-14:15 Medical Report
14:15-14:30 Review of patient with chest complaints – checking for heart disease, lifestyle advise. arranging further investigations.
14:30-14:45 Multiple issues-Optimising patients medication- diabetes, and blood pressure.
14:45-15:00 Elderly man with urine symptoms- tests and examination for prostate. Treatment
15:00-1515 Elderly man with knee and hip pain – advise on analgesia, exercise advise. out patient x-ray tests.
1515-1530 Recurrent chest complaints – optimising inhalers and lifestyle advise.
1530-1545 Middle aged man with shoulder pain – pain control and physiotherapy.
1545-1600 Elderly lady with memory problems- further tests, medical management and referral
1600-16:15 Child with an ear ache – treatment, advise on weight, activity and diet.
16:15-16:30 Complex bowel complaints : initial examination and referral to specialist for further tests
16:30-16:45 Man with chest pain- arranging heart test and referral for further tests.
16:45-17:00 Lady with recurrent Urine infections and bladder problems – treatment. Out patient investigations.

In addition Dr Emer Byrne saw her patients.


Prescriptions -40 patients

Phone calls- GPs 14, Nurse 20

Letters- 8

Forms -10
