New Guide for management of depression for GPs launched today (Wed 14th June) by Minister of State with responsibility for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler TD. 

Quick Reference Guide from the Irish College of General Practitioners is a valuable and wide-ranging resource for GPs treating depression. 

The interface between GPs and onward referral to secondary care requires greater investment in structured pathways of care. 

The Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) is the professional body for general practice in Ireland. The ICGP is the representative organisation for education, training and standards in general practice with 4,200 members,  and over 900 trainees in supervised practice. 

Depression affects nearly 1 in every 6 people in Ireland at some time in their lives (CSO).  Recovery is possible; early recognition and ongoing supports are key to a positive outcome. GPs play a huge role in the management of depression in Ireland. 

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) aims to assist GPs in the screening, assessment and management of patients with depression; it identifies screening tools and management guidelines. The first steps in management and support of patients are identified, as well as supports for families and carers. 

ICGP Assistant Medical Director, & co-author, Dr Brian Osborne, said:  

“We know that GPs play a pivotal role in mental health service provision, in signposting and safety netting for patients in distress. 90% of mental health care takes place in general practice. 

 There are 29 million consultations in general practice every year and 1 in 5 of those have a mental health component. Depression is a common and serious medical illness affecting 1 in 6 people in Ireland at some point in their lives. Recovery from depression is possible with early recognition and ongoing supports are key to a positive outcome. 

The interface between primary care and onward referral is critical to invest in, and to develop and support. This guide for GPs is only one aspect of that work.” 

The ICGP/HSE Primary Care Lead Mental Health, Dr Aoife O’Sullivan, who is a co-author of the QRG, said: “This is an easily-accessible “at your fingertips” guide for GPs who are diagnosing and managing patients with depression. We highlight the multiple providers of services both privately and through the HSE to help guide a GP with a patient in distress. 

Furthermore, we provide information on diagnosing depression, and the treatments available, including talk therapies, online cognitive behavioural therapy, social prescribing and psychoeducational links to exercise and sleep modules. When medication is indicated, the guide offers GP’s guidance on what types of medication to use and how to adjust, switch or stop medications – and when referral to secondary care is needed. “ 

The Guide is available for ICGP members via the ICGP website – 


David Coleman, of Bobby Studios, will supply photos – [email protected] 

 ISSUED BY: Aileen O’Meara, Communications Consultant, Irish College of General Practitioners. 

Tel. 01 2542984 / 087 2239830 Email: [email protected]